Monthly Archives: June 2016

Invitation to Write

This week our writing prompt is:

…along the riverbank…
You can include this anywhere in your short piece of writing. Things to think about:
What can you hear?
What can you smell?
What might you see? What colours are there?
What is your character doing in that space?
Don’t forget to write a draft version of you piece before writing it up on the blog.

Weekly Round Up w/c 6.6.16

This week we have worked hard using our times table facts in Maths. We looked into finding factors and multiples. Then we used our times table facts to look at squared and cubed numbers. We also looked at using these facts for division. We used all of this to help us to create a scale model of a bedroom.

In Literacy we started work on our next book, ‘The London Eye Mystery’. We have read the first couple of chapters and have been considering the information that we can infer about the characters so far from what we’ve read.

Our project at the moment is Life Cycles. We’ve looked at the seven processes shared by all living things and then used these to consider if we could ever consider a robot to be a living thing. We also looked at the lifecycle of frogs to fully understand their metamorphosis.

We’re very much looking forward to fun at the sleepover tonight! And I hope you have a lovely weekend to follow that.

So, 5SL, what challenged you this week? What did you learn?

Miss Lezameta

Sleepover Update

We’re very excited about the sleepover tomorrow night!

Just a quick update about timings. Unless the children attend after school club, they should be picked up from school as normal .

We will then all meet back at school, with all the children’s kit for the sleepover, at 5.15pm.

As a reminder, the kit list is as follows:

Sleeping bag
Sleeping mat (don’t worry if you do not have one, we have PE mats which we can use)
Pillow (and teddy bear!)
Toothbrush and toothpaste
PE kit

It’ll be a really fun evening, so I hope that you’re all looking forward to it too.

If there are any questions, please let me know.

Many thanks
Miss Lezameta


Roomy Maths

In Maths today we are used our times table facts to make scaled down models of a fantasy bedroom. We worked with the dimensions of various items from a real room and then scaled them down to fit into a scale drawing

Wheels Wanted!

As you may have seen from the Newsletter, in preparation for the Summer Fair on 2nd July, we are putting a call out to all parents for anything with wheels!

This year the theme is ‘Carnival’ in celebration of the Rio Olympics.  Every class is invited to get creative and provide a mini float for a grand carnival procession in the school playground for this year’s school carnival.  There will be a 30 minute parade around the running track.  Floats can be built from anything with wheels that can be pushed by children (biffa bins, old prams, wheel barrows, go-karts, shopping trolleys or scooters) – all spectacularly decorated for the occasion!

If you have anything which you would be happy for us to use, then please do let me know!

Many thanks

Miss Lezameta